Thanks to our sponsors for helping to make the New Direction Summer Classics a success!



If you are interested in supporting a new and growing show management enterprise, passionate about adding more quality shows to your area, and you would like innovative and fun exposure for your business, we would love your support.

Brian has been involved in many promotional endeavors over the years and has always taken a keen interest in understanding the products, services, and people themselves to deliver their message from the heart and gain attention, excitement, and ROI for sponsors.

Brian and Martha both own small businesses and are often sponsors themselves. This firsthand experience helps them to understand what sponsors want, need, and deserve.

New Direction Events - Jumpers at Fairburn.

Together we’ll do whatever it takes to deliver a high-quality experience. The following are key items available for sponsorship:


Do you have a particular class or division that is near or dear to you, your family, or your competing clients? We’d be happy to have you as a division or class sponsor and promote you or your business. This is a great way to contribute or get attention over multiple days.

Individual Class Sponsor benefits:

  • Public address announcements during class
  • Opportunity to present awards
  • Inclusion in prize list, website, and social media sponsor recognition pages.

Division Sponsor benefits:

  • Same as Individual Class Sponsor, PLUS:
  • Sponsor name attached to division in prize list
  • Complimentary photo of Champion/Reserve presentation
  • Signage/Banner on the grounds*
  • Logo / hyperlink inclusion on

Feature Hunter & Jumper Classics

Offering the most money, and receiving the most attention in their respective divisions, Hunter Classics encourage riders to look their best, while Jumper Classics encourage the most daring, speed, and excitement. Horses and riders must be at the top of their game for these events.

$500 Classic Sponsor benefits:

  • (Same as Division Sponsor)

$1,000 Classic sponsor benefits:

  • Same as Division Sponsor, PLUS:
  • Public address announcements during entire week
  • Prize List 1⁄2 page Ad
  • Social media coverage announcing your sponsorship

$3,000 USHJA National Hunter Derby / $2,000 Jumper Classic Sponsor benefits:

  • Same as $1,000 Classic Sponsor, PLUS:
  • Staff shirts including your logo
  • Additional Signage in the ring*
  • Ability to promote or display product / service on the grounds
  • Dedicated social media coverage about your class

$9,999 Jumper Classic Sponsor Benefits:

  • Same as $2,500 Classic Sponsor, PLUS:
  • Jump in the Jumper Ring
  • Prize List Full Page Ad (in place of 1⁄2 page ad)
  • Most prominent Logo on staff shirts
  • Complimentary vendor space

New Direction Events - Jumpers at Fairburn.

New Direction Events - Jumpers at Fairburn.


(We’ll design a benefit package to your needs, in line with pricing from above.)

Hospitality Pavilion: (Overlooks Hunter ring / parties held here - $1,000 each week) - Spectators will be in this area every day for breakfast, lunch, and parties. What a great place to display your signage, and product or service information. You’re name/business name will be used each time we refer to this area in print and announcements.

Cool Zones:

(4 total - $750 each)

- Help take the edge off the summer heat using shade and evaporative cooling machines. Attach your name to this amenity and EVERYONE will love you.

Wednesday Welcome:

(1 each week/2 total - $500 each)

- Make a great first impression by providing refreshments to exhibitors during or after they do the hard work of moving into their stalls.

Friday Derby Reception:

(1 each week/2 total – $750 each)

- Add to the feature hunter class of the week, and make it even more fun to watch with food, drinks...and the camaraderie that goes with it.

Sunday Brunch:

(1 each week/2 total - $750 each)

- After a big week of showing, let’s thank everyone for making it a success. We’d like to offer bite-sized brunch food for those on the go.

Mid-circuit BBQ:

(Between weeks - $2,500 for food, music, & fun)

- What a great way to unwind, get to know each other, have some great food and fun OUTSIDE OF THE SHOW RING! Horse showing can be intense. Let’s do something different for an afternoon between shows and build some community.


Please call or email to let us know how we can include you in this exciting event, and offer your business, product, or service great exposure. We look forward to working with you in the very near future!


Brian Lookabill.

Brian J. Lookabill (Manager) – 803.439.0982 /

Brian Lookabill.

Martha Jensen-Lookabill (Technical Coordinator) – 214.850.1020 /

Margaux Hilber Casey (Hospitality and Sponsorship) - 706.300.9764 /
Kathleen Stamps (Sponsorship) – 770.356.3504