Hello and Happy New Year, everyone!

With 2025 already progressing quickly we’re reaching out to say thanks for your support over the past few years, and to make sure you’re planning to join us this summer. Our dates are:

  • Summer 1: July 24-27
  • Summer 2: July 31-August 3

As always, our intention is to grow our event by including your input, and some of our own observations as we improve each year. For 2022 (our debut) that meant bringing one week of familiar competition after a few had left the Atlanta area. Our priorities then, and now were exhibitor friendliness, regular hospitality, fair competition, and attention to detail...In 2023, we added a second week, an exhibitor party between weeks, cool zones, and schedule improvements...2024 brought more prize money and awards, increased medical staff and capability through our on-site ambulance, and more shade to deal with the “HOTlanta” temps. We’ve also offered opportunities to win fun and useful prizes each year, and while we may change things up a bit for our 2025 giveaway, it will be back. (Stay tuned for details.)

Again our goal is to give our people the attention and experience they deserve, and to make improvements at a sustainable pace. And everyone has played a role in those improvements, whether through your attendance, or by going the extra mile with a sponsorship. Either way we appreciate your part, and hope you’ll come back and do it again! To that end, we welcome you to check our website for show updates, and sponsorship opportunities, and reach out by email or phone with any questions! Brian, Martha, and the whole New Direction Events Crew hope to see you soon!

Brian Lookabill.

Brian J. Lookabill – 803.439.0982 /

Brian Lookabill.

Martha Jensen-Lookabill – 214.850.1020 /

New Direction Summer Classics

July 24-27, 2025
July 31-August 3, 2025

USEF (A) National

Chattahoochee Hills/Bouckaert Farm

Chatt Hills.

New Direction Events - Hunters at Fairburn.

Chatt Hills.

Chatt Hills.